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The Successful Scholar
Welcome & Introduction
Welcome and Introduction (3:02)
Welcome and Introduction Script
The Successful Scholar Overview
Questions to Ask Your Academic Advisor
Did You Know
Top 10 Reasons to Get a Degree (9:17)
Assignment 1 - Introduce Yourself
Choose a Career
Lecture 3 - Choose a Career and Major (8:02)
Choose a Career Script
Career Planner
Lecture 4 - Holland Code (8:31)
Holland Code Script
Lecture 5 - ONet (8:01)
ONet Script
Assignment 2 ONet Evaluation
Lecture 6 - My Next Move (3:26)
MyNextMove Script
Assignment 3 My Next Move
Lecture 7 - Making a Choice
Making a Choice Script
Self- Assessment Interest Activity
Identify Your Values
Lecture 8 - Identify Your Vales (3:52)
Identify Your Values Script
Assignment 4 Values Worksheet
Lecture 9 - Set the Goal (7:03)
Set the Goals Script
Lecture 10 - Student Goal Examples (3:16)
Student Goal Examples Script
Assignment 5 Set the Goal
Lecture 11 - Create the Daily Tasks (5:57)
Create the Daily Tasks Script
Assignment 6 The Quadrant Tool
Quadrant Matrix
The Covey Quadrants
Create Your Personalized Learning Plan
Lecture 12 - The Personalized Learning Plan (3:22)
The Personalized Learning Plan Script
Lecture 13 - Why create a Personalized Learning Plan (3:52)
Why Create a Personalized Learning Plan Script
Lecture 14 - Learning Styles (4:36)
Learning Styles Script
Lecture 15 - VARK Learning Style (9:57)
VARK Learning Style Script
VARK Study Tips
Assignment 7 VARK Learning Style
Lecture 16 - Kolb Learning Style (5:46)
Kolb Learning Style Script
Kolb learning styles definitions and descriptions
Assignment 8 Discover your Kolb Learning Style
Lecture 17 - MBTI Learning Style (7:40)
Myers Briggs Type Indicator Script
MBTI Self-Guestimate Tool
Assignment 9 Discover your MBTI Learning Style
Lecture 18 - Multiple Intelligences (5:48)
Multiple Intelligences Script
Assignment 10 Discover your Multiple Intelligence
Lecture 19 - Use Your Strengths (5:39)
Use Your Strengths Script
Lecture 20 - Create Your Personalized Learning Plan (7:33)
Create Your Personalized Learning Plan Script
Assignment 11 Create Your Personalized Learning Plan
Build a Campus Community
Lecture 26 - Know Your Campus Resources (11:43)
Know your Campus Resources Script
Assignment 16 Campus Resources Case Study
Assignment 15 Know Your Campus Resources
Lecture 27 - Build Your Campus Community (3:10)
Build Your Campus Community Script
Assignment 17 Build Your Campus Community
Plan Your Career
Lecture 28 - The Beginning of Your Career (4:30)
The Beginning of the Career Script
Assignment 18 Mission Statement
Lecture 29 - Start Your Professional Portfolio (2:39)
Start Your Professional Portfolio Script
Lecture 30 - Your First Resume (4:45)
Your First Resume Script
Assignment 19
Lecture 31 -Set Up LinkedIn (6:35)
Set Up LinkedIn Script
Assignment 20 Set Up LinkedIn
Achieving an All-Star LinkedIn Status
Lecture 32 -Develop Professional Relationships (5:22)
Develop Professional Relationship Script
Putting It Altogether
Lecture 33 -Putting It Altogether (2:05)
What Comes Next Script
The Personalized Learning Plan Script
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